Why Baltimore?
2015 was a pivotal year for the City of Baltimore - it was the year Freddie Gray died in police custody, sparking riots across the City that would profoundly impact Baltimore for the next several years.

Since then, the murder rate in Baltimore, already one of the highest in the nation, has been steadily growing, earning the title of deadliest city in America on more than one occasion.
2019 marked the sixth year in a row that Baltimore recorded over 300 murders, and in 2020, despite living most of the year in a global pandemic, where lockdowns and movement restrictions have been a part of the norm, the City is set to hit that number again.
Todd Scott’s vision of rebuilding the community and providing affordable homeownership is a priority. With over 16,000 vacant buildings left to crumble in neighborhoods, and little knowledge, wealth, or opportunity to become homeowners, many Baltimore residents are powerless to change the landscape of their lives. We Rise’s goal is to empower them.
Baltimore may be a city in turmoil, but it is also a city with a rich history and a vibrant community.
It’s home to world-class art museums, historical treasures, some pretty amazing seafood, and countless families and young people looking for a better way.
The We Rise mentorship and revitalization program will make a tangible investment in Baltimore youth and families by providing an immersive, hands-on education to mentees through participation in a building rehabilitation project in East Baltimore.
We Rise purchased 10 vacant lots and dwellings in the Broadway East neighborhood to change the landscape, elevate wealth, and educate We Rise mentees by providing the guidance, skills, and opportunity to learn about real estate, homeownership, and achieving financial literacy.