"Exposure and opportunities lead to breaking generational poverty." Todd Scott

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Partnership Programs with the Department Juvenile Service

The Maryland Department of Juvenile Services has seven detention facilities that give temporary care to youth awaiting court hearings. Various programs within the facilities actively work to provide youth with a positive environment to grow and enhance their personal outlooks. The Department of Juvenile Services' goal is to educate young people on vocational skill development, mentorship, and job readiness. A partnership with We Rise provides just that, along with opportunities and experiences that give young people a shot at life.

ERC Program

The Evening Reporting Center (ERC) Program aims to serve and empower youth as an alternative to detention, with daily meetings to ensure they are ready for their court hearings and the next step in their life. We Rise actively participates by scheduling evening meetings; with a goal to serve, mentor, and guide youth in a direction that will make an impact in their lives and the community.


Lillie May Carroll Jackson Charter School

LMCJ Charter School is an all girls school in Baltimore City. The students, grades 5 to 8, learn through rigorous academic course work, character development and leadership opportunities. We Rise partners with LMCJ to provide weekly in-school sessions to the girls, focusing on financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and real estate. The sessions leave the girls feeling empowered to manage their money and confident about achieving financial security in their futures.